Students / Internship

Minumum Qualification




Minumum Qualification




Minumum Qualification




Minumum Qualification

Terms & Conditions

  • Position & Duration: The Intern will be employed as an intern and The Volunteer will serve as a volunteer for the Particular Departments with the possibility of extension subject to mutual agreement.

  • Responsibilities: The Intern agrees to fulfil the responsibilities assigned by their Department Head. These responsibilities may include but are not limited to List of Duties.

  • Compensation: An Internship Fee will be applicable. The Company will provide the Intern with the opportunity to gain valuable work experience and knowledge in their chosen field.
  • Working Hours: The Intern’s working hours will generally align with the Company’s standard working hours. The Intern will work a total of 53 hours per week.

  • Confidentiality: The Intern agrees to maintain strict confidentiality regarding all proprietary and confidential information they may encounter during their internship. This includes, but is not limited to, business strategies, client information, and intellectual property.

  • Intellectual Property: Any work, ideas, creations, or inventions developed during the course of the internship will be the property of the Company.

  • Code of Conduct: The Intern agrees to adhere to the Company’s code of conduct and all relevant policies and procedures during the internship period.

  • Termination: The Company reserves the right to terminate the internship at any time for reasons including but not limited to violation of Company policies, poor performance, or breach of confidentiality.

  • References and Networking: The Intern may request a letter of recommendation or reference upon successful completion of the internship. The Company may also facilitate networking opportunities for the Intern.

  • Health and Safety: The Intern agrees to adhere to all health and safety regulations and guidelines provided by the Company.

  • Independent Contractor Status: The Intern acknowledges that they are not an employee of the Company and will not be entitled to employee benefits.

  • Governing Law: This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction].

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