Directors Message

A child always has a way of bringing smile to our face

Their uncontrollable laughter from being silly, uninhibited questions they ask and their unbounded zest for life – all these can ease our tension for a while and make us wonder where and what we are missing as adults. When they look at us and say “mommy”, our joy has no bounds. I am a mother of two boys. When you are blessed to bring such beautiful and precious gifts into the world, you shower these little beings with every piece of you that you have with all the love that you could garner.

There is no other feeling greater in this world than to watch them grow into their own, as you grow into a better you, right along their side and I would never trade this for anything. This is the true state of my mind as a mother and I firmly believe this is the true emotional state of every parent who loves his/ her child.

Soulful love often gets tested, so is the case of most parents who seek the service and support of Prayatna. Due to reasons still unknown, kids happen to have various major and minor physical, social and emotional developmental delays and disabilities. Early identification, intervention, and appropriate care have proven to be of great help in assisting these kids perform better and live better. My objective here at Prayatna is to give the best to make them functionally independent and enjoy a fair life.

As the director of Prayatna, I am committed to provide every parent and their child, state-of-the-art practices and world class services to achieve desired results. Our team has been constantly striving to bring-in all the proven techniques and methodologies to make this possible. We believe in empowering parents with all the resources they need and make them part and parcel of the whole program. Collaborative efforts can create wonders and bring joy to all involved.

At Prayatna, we see the child as a whole. Disability diagnosis neither defines the child for who he/she is nor does it curb the child’s immense potentials and unlimited possibilities. History has shown us that limitations don’t define or hamper success. Success is defined by how we perceive and make the best of our strengths. Let’s make our kids understand their strengths and how to make the best of it to walk ahead with confidence.

Each child’s future is my concern and I am committed to deliver the best.

Ponnu Joseph

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