Centre of Excellence for Down Syndrome Treatment

Best Centre For Children With Down Syndrome

At Prayatna, we are committed to creating a nurturing and supportive environment where children with Down syndrome learn to explore their full potential, develop their unique abilities, reach goals and live fulfilling lives. Our objective is to provide extensive support, resources, and opportunities tailored to their specific needs. Our team stands ready offering comprehensive support and guidance to their families to help foster independence and promote inclusion within our community.

Services for Down Syndrome at Prayatna

Early Intervention Programs

Prayatna’s early intervention programs are carefully designed to meet the developmental needs of infants and toddlers with Down syndrome. Through a combination of speech therapy, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, special education, behaviour therapy and support services, we strive to enhance early development and maximize each child's potential.

Therapeutic Services

We offer a range of therapeutic services, including speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and behavioral therapy, to address the unique challenges and strengths of individuals with Down syndrome. Our licensed therapists utilize evidence-based practices to support communication, motor skills, sensory integration, and behavior management.

Educational Support

Our center provides specialized educational support services to children and adolescents with Down syndrome, including individualized tutoring, educational assessments, and guidance on curriculum adaptations. We work closely with educators and families to create inclusive learning environments that promote academic growth and social-emotional development.

Life Skills Training

Our structured therapy programs and activities help learn essential life skills, such as communication, self-care, social skills, and community integration. Our goal is to equip children with the skills they need to navigate daily life, foster independence, and participate meaningfully in their communities.

Family Support & Training

We recognize the importance of supporting families throughout their journey with Down syndrome. Our center offers family counseling, support groups, informational workshops, and advocacy services to empower families, connect them with resources, and promote positive outcomes for their loved ones with Down syndrome.

Transition Planning

Prayatna hosts a variety of social and recreational programs designed to build friendships, explore new interests and guide them through life’s transitions, from childhood through adolescence and into adulthood with various skill development programs for functional independence at each stage.

Our Team

Prayatna’s team consists of dedicated professionals with expertise in special education, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, ABA, psychology and family support. We are committed to providing compassionate, individualized care and collaborating with families to achieve meaningful goals for their loved ones. 

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Autism treatment often involves a customized, multidisciplinary approach that caters to the individual child’s specific needs and abilities. Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy is a widely recognized effective intervention that focuses on behavioral strategies to improve a child’s social, communication, and daily living skills. To address specific challenges associated with autism spectrum disorder, speech therapy, occupational therapy, and social skills training may also be included in the treatment plan. Early intervention and consistent support from caregivers are pivotal in achieving the best possible outcomes for children with autism.

Individuals with autism can lead fulfilling lives with early intervention, support, and resources. With understanding, acceptance, and tailored support, children can develop important skills and abilities that allow them to achieve their goals. The concept of a ‘normal’ life may differ from person to person. What is important is to acknowledge and appreciate their diverse strengths and perspectives.

No, there is no cure for autism, but early interventions and therapies can significantly improve outcomes and help individuals with autism lead fulfilling lives.

Individuals with autism may exhibit varying degrees of speech abilities, which can range from normal speech to complete lack of verbal communication. It is important to note that the severity of the condition plays a crucial role in determining the extent of speech abilities in autistic individuals. Therefore, it is essential to provide tailored interventions and therapies to cater to the specific needs of each individual.

Early intervention is the key in autism treatment. Therefore, it is important to start treatment as soon as possible after diagnosis.

  1. Environmental. A variety of nonspecific risk factors, such as advanced parental age, low birth weight, or fetal exposure to valproate, may contribute to risk of autism spectrum disorder. Additionally, factors such as maternal health conditions, and exposure to air pollution or certain chemicals may contribute to the risk of ASD.
  2. Genetic and physiological. Heritability estimates for autism spectrum disorder have ranged from 37% to higher than 90%, based on twin concordance rates. Currently, as many as 15% of cases of autism spectrum disorder appear to be associated with a known genetic mutation, with different de novo copy number variants or de novo mutations in specific genes associated with the disorder in different families. However, even when an autism spectrum disorder is associated with a known genetic mutation, it does not appear to be fully penetrant. Risk for the remainder of cases appears to be polygenic, with perhaps hundreds of genetic loci making relatively small contributions.
  3. Neurological Factors: ASD is characterized by atypical brain development and connectivity. Abnormalities in brain structure and function, such as differences in the size and organization of brain regions involved in social communication, sensory processing, and executive function, have been observed in individuals with ASD. These neurological differences may affect how individuals with ASD perceive and interact with the world around them, contributing to the characteristic symptoms of the disorder.

It’s possible, but depends on the severity of the child’s condition and their specific circumstances. Early intervention and consultation with a qualified healthcare professional specializing in autism can help with more personalized guidance and support for your child’s development.

Autism is a spectrum disorder, meaning that individuals with autism have a wide range of strengths and challenges. Each person with autism is unique, and their abilities should be understood and appreciated on their own terms. The concept of ‘mental age’ is not typically used in autism discussions.

Therapies for children with autism include Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Social Skills Training, Sensory Integration Therapy, and Play Therapy, Speech therapy.

Yes. Prayatna offers support and training programs for parents and caregivers of children with Autism.

Prayatna recruits therapists through a stringent interview process. All our therapists are qualified in their respective fields from reputed institutions and are well trained.

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